在早期殖民地农业社会中,来自欧洲的移民在北美大陆开荒垦殖,兴办学校,建立了不同的教育模式。美国西部土地法与义务教育立法推进了美国农村公共教育体系的发展。19世纪后期开始,美国农村学校城市化改革运动使农村教育质量出现历史性飞跃。20世纪下半叶,美国农村教育以“教育机会均等”为核心价值取向,逐步走向多元均等的发展路径。In Rural Colonial American communities,the early migrant pioneers set up their homes and started their one-room schools at same time,different patterns of schooling were established gradually.Land Ordinance and then law of compulsory schooling pushed forward the establishment of public education system.In late 19th century the Urbanization of Rural Schools made a great leap-forward in quality of rural education.In the 2nd half of the 20th century the equality of educational opportunity became the dominant value in rural schools and rural education moved on the track of equality in diversity.
在早期殖民地农业社会中,来自欧洲的移民在北美大陆开荒垦殖,兴办学校,建立了不同的教育模式。美国西部土地法与义务教育立法推进了美国农村公共教育体系的发展。19世纪后期开始,美国农村学校城市化改革运动使农村教育质量出现历史性飞跃。20世纪下半叶,美国农村教育以“教育机会均等”为核心价值取向,逐步走向多元均等的发展路径。In Rural Colonial American communities,the early migrant pioneers set up their homes and started their one-room schools at same time,different patterns of schooling were established gradually.Land Ordinance and then law of compulsory schooling pushed forward the establishment of public education system.In late 19th century the Urbanization of Rural Schools made a great leap-forward in quality of rural education.In the 2nd half of the 20th century the equality of educational opportunity became the dominant value in rural schools and rural education moved on the track of equality in diversity.
王强,教育学博士,主要研究方向是农村教育、成人教育、教育管理、人力资源开发。出版专著(英文版):Removing Social Obstacles to Rural Children's Learning(河北教育出版社出版),Rural Education and Rural Enterprises(河北教育出版社出版),Girls Education in Rural Areas of West China(人民教育出版社出版)。翻译著作:《高等院校教职员工发展管理》(江苏教育出版社出版)、《学校经营与管理》(重庆大学出版社出版)。参编著作与教材:《外国中小学教育问题史》(山东教育出版社出版)、Handbook on Effective Impleinentation of Continuing Education at Grassroots(联合国教科文组织亚太教育局出版)、Guidebook for Development of Literacy Program Based on ATLP(联合国教科文组织亚太教育局出版)。国内外期刊:在Adult Education and Development(德国)以及《比较教育研究》《全球教育展望》《外国教育研究》等国内外期刊发表论文近30篇。涉外研究课题:主持联合国教科文组织国际比较研究课题和国家课题八项,先后与澳大利亚、新西兰、南非等十多个国家的专家开展了国际合作研究项目。